FAQs: Did you know?

We have created this page to help answer some of the most asked questions. If you have a question that is not answered below, no problem, send us a message and we would be happy to get back to you!

Why can’t I smell the candle?

We all smell things differently. According to Science Daily,“Small differences in olfactory receptor genes, which are extremely common inhumans, can affect the way each receptor functions. These genetic differencesmean that when 2 people smell the same molecule, one person may detect a floralscent while another smells nothing at all” Just like our senses of tastediffer, so do our senses of smell.

Should I trim the wick before I burn the candle?

We don’t recommend trimming the wick for the first burn.

What do you use to scent the candles?

All of our candles are scented with a blend of essential oils and naturally derived fragrance oilswhich are free of phthalates, phosphates and parabens.

Are your wicks lead-free?

All of our wicks are made of cotton, are lead-free and self trimming.

What is your wax made from?

Our wax is made from 100% pure soy. Our soy is grownby North American Farmers.

How do I burn my wood wick candle?

Light the wick all the way across, not just on one end. Make sure your first burn is always long enough to melt the wax completely across the top of the container ( liquid all the way across). This will ensure all other burns will melt across and not tunnel down. Keep away from drafts and on a level surface.

Why do we use soy wax?

Soy wax is plant based, from a vegetable - soybeans. Soy is a renewable resource harvested right here in North America. There are MANY benefits to Soy wax, some of which we feel are the most amazing are:

biodegradable: paraffin is a refined vaseline product

contains no toxins, carcinogens or pollutants

cleans up with soap and water

has a lower melting point than other waxes, so burns twice as long as other candles

How are our candles made?

Each and every candle that leaves our factory has been hand poured by us!  We carefully pour each candle to ensure quality and pay attention to all details in the candle making process to be offer the best candle to you!

The first burn is so important. Why?

The first burn on any candle is so very important.  Many do not realize that candles have a memory!  You have to let that candle burn the first time!  Make sure that you let the soy candle wax (the melted liquid part) burn all the way to the edges of your container.  In doing this, you will ensure the best burn for your candle.  If this is not done, there is a good chance that the wax will tunnel and not melt all the way to the edge for future burns.  We suggest burning your candle 2-3 hours each time you light it.  Some of our larger candles will require more.

What is in our candles?

We use 3 ingredients - 100% soy wax, pure cotton wicks, and premium quality fragrance/essential oil blends. Nothing else. No chemicals, no additives, nothing you can't pronounce. That is very important to us.

Trimming your wick

Our wicks are self trimming, so you don't need to trim them.

In most of our candles, our wicks are self trimming and do not require you do to do anything.  Sometimes the black residue at the end of the wick can fall into the candle.  Simply remove while candle is still cool.  This will prevent the possibility of the black getting in to the wax on the next burn and turning discoloring the candle.

Recommended burn times

We do not recommend burning your candle for more than 3-4 hours at a time (unless it is one of super big ones like the 4 wickers).  ALWAYS burn on a heat resistant surface and within sight.  It is never safe to burn a candle near flammable objects, pets and children.

Do you smell what I smell?

According to Science Daily we all smell things differently. Do you smell what I smell? From genes to receptors to perception: Olfaction unraveled -- ScienceDaily

We use the maximum scent load allowed in our candles. Our blends of essential oils and naturally derived oils are clean burning and free of phosphates, phthalates and parabens.

Black marks on candle or jar

Soy wax does not produce soot if cared for properly but sometimes when the candles are burned for longer than the recommended times and the wick is not properly maintained, the wick will start to produce extra smoke which will in turn create black soot, like in a hot fireplace, on the glass. If this happens, allow the candle to cool and wipe inside of the container with a damp paper towel (DO NOT USE CLEANER TO WIPE OUT AS THIS IS FLAMMABLE).  Trim the wick before you burn again and try to follow the candle burning instructions.

Reuse or recycle?

Once you have finished burning one of our candles, the jar can be cleaned out with warm soapy water.  Reuse the jar for many things such as storage containers, turn in to a planter, or decorate and make something unique.  Should you not decide to reuse, please recycle!

Why do some candles turn YELLOW?

We do not add UV inhibitors to our candles or any other unnecessary chemicals. As such, if left exposed to direct or indirect light, your candle may turn slightly yellow. We suggest storing your candle in a cool dark place to keep it white. If your candle does turn yellow, don't worry - it does not affect the burn or quality at all. 

Do you offer wholesale?

ABSOLUTELY! Please contact us to inquire about wholesale. We also offer the ability for our wholesale customers to create signature scents, custom labels and essentially their own custom candle line unique to them!

why are there wet spots on top of my container candle?

This happens when the candle sweats - we call it "soy sweat".  Since soy candles have a lower melting point, when there is a temperature change, it can sometimes sweat.    This can sometimes happen when there is a change in temperature.  Which as we all know happens here in Canada!  NO WORRIES - the candle is still perfect and will continue to burn amazing and clean.

If this happens you can easily blot the top of the candle with a paper towel.

Why is there frosting on the top of my candle?

Because soy wax is a natural substance, it can often produce a frosted look.  This is a very natural characteristic and yet another reminder of how natural the candle is.

How do I prevent tunneling?

Soy wax has a memory and will only burn as far as it did on the previous burn. It is important to allow the melt pool reach the edges of the jar on every burn. This will prevent the candle from burning down the middle.  We suggest burning your candle 2-3 hours each time you light it.

Fun fact: Our packing will dissolve in water. Why?

They are fully biodegradable and made of cornstarch. As a result, they naturally dissolve in water.